Artist Draws What Video Game Characters Would Look Like With Their Full Inventory
Video game characters have the impressive ability to carry dozens or even hundreds of pounds of supplies. And, unless you’re playing a hyper-realistic game, chances are the carrying capacity limit far exceeds what a normal person could take. Plus, video game inventories are on their own screen, or they pop up next to your character, but the supplies are never to scale. It’s hard to fathom what it would really be like to walk around as characters in an RPG.
One artist, Linda Bouderbala, couldn’t get the thought out of her head, so she grabbed some paper and watercolors, and painted what her favorite video game characters would look like if they actually had to carry all of their inventory.
Linda shared that it takes at least seven hours to finish each illustration. To make each piece, she plays the game to get a feel of the world the characters live in, including what types of objects exist in that world.
She revealed that most of her ideas come to her in the calm hours before bed. The quiet time, without any distractions that come with a full day, she can slow down, step back, and think of something funny to paint. So far, she hasn’t run out of ideas as new ones seem to come to her before she hits a true roadblock.
While playing, or just thinking back on a game, Linda asks herself questions to get in the mindset of the world. Prompts such as how the characters run and jump with overloaded bags, or how tan lines might work if characters don’t change out their outfits, are helpful in her creative process.